Wednesday, 1 January 2014

All Natural Himalayan Salt Deodorants – Ditch your Artificial Chemical Laced Deodorant Now

Being a resident of a country where the temperature remains hot & humid all the time comes with quite a few discomforts. Top of the list among them is sweat constantly oozing from every pore which warrants frequent change of clothes and applying copious amount of deodorant. Applying deodorant is something we do without giving a second thought but unknowingly we are leaving ourselves prone to harmful substances like aluminum, parabens and phthalates, all ingredients of a deodorant. The best and safe alternative for these chemical laced deodorants is Himalayan salt deodorant.

 As evident from the name Himalayan salt deodorants are made from Himalayan salt. The secret of Himalayan salt benefits (also known as rock salt or pink salt) is its composition. It’s made up of 84 minerals and trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, iron, copper and potassium, all of which are highly beneficial for human health.  A bar of Himalayan salt deodorant sprinkled with a few drops of water and applied under the arms and on feet will not only counter odor creating bacteria but also have a soothing and refreshing effect because of its active natural salt ingredients.

Another harmful trait of ordinary deodorant is that their ingredients block the sweat pores which leads to complications and ailments. On the other hand Himalayan salt deodorant doesn’t block these pores; it instead forms a semi permeable layer or coating which allows the skin to breathe and at the same time stops bacteria formation. Another advantage of Himalayan Salt deodorant is that they don’t stain your clothes or leave behind greasy residue. A single bar of Himalayan salt deodorant would suffice for a month or so provided it’s dried off before storing. This also makes Himalayan salt deodorant bar economical and easy on the pocket than mainstream ordinary deodorants which have high price tags.

Switching to Himalayan salt deodorant is not only a healthy choice but a wise choice. 

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